Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's Going To Be A Great 2014!!!

Happy New Year loves!
I am so excited as this is my first blog post.  Yay Me!...thank you, thank you.  Awww, no need for the standing ovation, sit down!!!   But seriously though, I congratulate myself because to be honest, I actually wrote my first blog entry about 4 years ago.  Yes, in late 2009, I started journalizing my transition from the creamy crack aka relaxers to being au naturale....100% chemical free.
I don't know why I waited so long to actual "go live" with my blog.  I mean, 4 years, that's a long time to remain in the shoulda, coulda, woulda phase, huh?  Ok, ok, scratch that.  Yeah, I do know why I procrastinated.  I procrastinated because I have fears.  Huge fears.  A fear of failure.  I fear that my best is not good enough.  I'm fearful of letting my family down if things don't go as expected.  What if I invested many resources and things didn't go as planned?  Crazy, right?  I often wonder where would I be if I had only (fill in the blank here.)  I also realized that I have a fear of success.  That absolutely sounds ridiculous, huh?  I know.  Who doesn't want to be successful in whatever they decide to do?  It's not that I don't want to be more successful than I am, it's just that something within me shies away from what success brings. Success brings on more commitment, more responsibility, more accountability.  It brings on more attention and expectations.  With success also comes disruption to the norm.  And, I think that's what bothers me the most.  I have fallen into this very comfortable zone that I don't want disrupted.  Well no more!!!
So I have declared 2014 as my year of transformation and progression.  It's my year to look my challenges and obstacles head on, face to face and overcome them.  I have vowed to myself that I am getting back on the path that I started on 4 years ago.  I will continue moving forward with the business idea I had 2 years ago.  I will work hard on changing unhealthy habits that I've developed.  This is an abbreviated list, of course.
So as 2014 begins, I challenge each of you to face an obstacle or fear that may be hindering you from living a fuller, happier life. Whatever it may be.  I know we can do it together!

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