Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I've Been Challenged Again!!!

Ok, so yeah, the title says it all. I have taken on another challenge all in the name of weight loss. I really have to do something about these extra 25 lbs that are hanging around. For the next 10 days, I will be doing a Green Smoothie Challenge inspired by the author, nutritionist and weight loss expert JJ Smith.
During this challenge, I must replace the 3 major meals of the day with a smoothie. In between the smoothies I can snack on nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables. I know y'all see something missing here in this list of foods....MEAT!!! Yep, no meat for the next 10 days UNLESS I choose to do the modified version of this challenge. The  modified version allows you to eat foods high in protein like chicken or boiled eggs. 

Ok, so day one was actually yesterday.  My green smoothie of choice consisted of spinach, mangoes, strawberries, green apples, grapes, protein powder and some good ole agave nectar (I love this stuff!!)
I drank this for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I also drank lots of water and a hot cup of detox tea.  During the day, I felt pretty good.  Surprisingly, I wasn't hungry and I didn't crave coffee either.  However, in the evening after I drank my dinner, I still felt empty.  I tried drinking more water.  I even snacked on a handful of pecans but that just wasn't cutting it.  I needed something with some substance.  Oh well, there goes my commitment to the full version, boiled eggs for dinner it is!!

Day 2 is today.  This morning's smoothie consisted of spinach, kale, peaches, blueberries, protein powder and agave nectar.  My first batch didn't turn out too well.  I don't know what that mess was.  Green smoothies are not suppose to be brown!!!  The second batch was a little better after adding more spinach.  It was meh!!!  Since I didn't want to waste it, the weird looking concoction ended up being breakfast and lunch.  I wasn't too thrilled with this one, good thing I had some cut up cucumbers as my back up for lunch.

This was dinner!
Now that's what I'm talking about.  This one right here, hmmm hmmm.  Spinach, pineapples, peaches, protein powder and agave nectar.  I felt like I was WINNING with this one.  (Yeah that was corny...don't judge me.)  The pineapple and peach blend reminded me of a refreshing tropical drink.  It tasted similar to Tropical Smoothies Island Green Spinach & Kale smoothie without the kale.

This evening I was extremely hungry.  I think probably because I didn't drink much of the mystery smoothie from earlier.  To cure my hunger pangs I opted for a few slices of rotisserie chicken and a big glass of water. Ahhh, now that's better.

I think I will duplicate this one for tomorrow as well, maybe add in a few strawberries.  My goal is to not eat anything other than fruit and vegetables tomorrow.  Pray for me!

What about you?  Think you can do the 10 day green smoothie challenge?  If you've done this already, please share your tips on how you overcame your hunger.

Until next time, keep moving forward,

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